*AR-B412, 4x12 Block elevation stretcher bondġst pattern line is horizontal, unbroken, spaced at y-offset 4 (X-offset is inline so has no visible effect).Ģnd is broken, vertical, draw 4, skip 4, with offset in line direction 4, normal to line direction 6.Īs Kent indicated, understanding how the offsets rotate WITH the line direction is key. with similar adjacent sets then drawn through (8,8).
Important to note that while angle and origin are in global coordinates, offsets are relative to line origin and line DIRECTION so a set of 8 long broken lines based at the origin is firstly (-16,16), (-8,8), (0,0), (8,-8), (16,-16). The second line specifies angle=90, origin=(0,0), repeated with X-offset=8, Y offset=8 with pen initially down 8 then up 8 creating a set of broken vertical lines. DarkDownwardDiagonal 20: Specifies diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points, are spaced 50 percent closer together than, and are twice the width of ForwardDiagonal. Cross 4: Specifies horizontal and vertical lines that cross. The first line in AR-B816 specifies angle=0, origin=(0,0), repeated with X-offset=0, Y offset=8, pen initially down resulting in a set of horizontal unbroken lines spaced 8 apart. 3: A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper right to lower left. The pen then picks up an goes 8,-8 in the y direction relative to the 90 degrees angle. The second line says the angle is 90, the origin is still 0,0 then the pen picks up and then goes 8,8 from the origin in the x direction relative to the 90 degrees angle. So the first line in AR-B816 is telling me that the angle is 0, the origin is 0,0 then the pen picks up goes up 0,8 then draws a line.